Sunday, February 3, 2008


Okay, okay, so maybe Punxsutawney Phil was correct - at least for today. It's going to take some serious snowpack in the mountains to make up for the years of drought, but it seems that we may be making a significant dent! We got dumped on today - about 12 inches of new, wet, heavy, white SNOW - and there's more on the way! We made it to church early, but many other wards across the region cancelled services today due to the snowfall, bad roads, power outages, and other related problems.

After church we had to dig out just to get into the driveway, as the snowplow had left a two foot high berm blocking us out! Everyone in the neighborhood came out to help each other shovel, push, & snowblow all afternoon.

So much snow has accumulated, there is nowhere to put it, as the mounds along all of the walks and drives are about five feet tall now! Some of the young men in the ward helped the elderly & widows in the neighborhood clear their walks too.

We even had some snow-play-time before the "big game" (apparently, Tom Petty still rocks!)

"What did I say about jumping off the roof?!!"

Hey kids, don't try this at home!!

("I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend...")

Airtime: About 2 seconds!


Paul said...

How times did you dump the XT? It looked mighty squirrelly out there! Great front flip! I remember similar experiences in Pullman and getting the wind knocked out of me! You did the video differently, how now brown cow? Have a great week! Love, Paul