Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Blog-Birthday!

*(image of Mt. Timpanogas by Brent Young)

It's hard to believe that this 'blog has been up and going for just over one whole year! Although I am not very prolific, as far as 'bloggers go, I have averaged about 10 postings per month. I don't feel the need to 'blog every single day - only as often as 'blog-worthy events occur and as time allows. I often go about my day considering activities or events in terms of 'blog potential, but I don't let my 'blog rule my life, or crowd out time better spent with family or friends. I find myself taking the camera more places throughout the day, just in case I want to capture a moment. I enjoy the creative writing outlet, and am glad to be documenting thoughts, feelings, activities, and events - many of which might otherwise have come and gone unnoticed and be forgotten by now! I'm not very good at keeping a journal, but this digital format with still and video images is much better - and I can share it with family and friends all over the world!

So 'blog-on, dudes! (and dude-ettes!)

*(Great Salt Lake image by Wayson Wight)


Simply Lavender said...

Happ-eee Birthday to you....Happ-ee Birthday to you........Happpp-eee Birrrth-day Dear BLogger Matthew......Happ-ee Birthday to you!! (and many more......)
You've got to sing this to get the full effect!

BYW.......Beautiful new pics!


Matt S. said...

Thanks! :-)

Jordan said...

You go Matt-O-Rama! You da man!