Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is it Springtime Yet?

The first major snowfall of the season blanketed the valleys today. I awoke to a minor blizzard as the storm front arrived just in time for newspaper delivery!

By noon we had received about 5 or 6 inches. By 1 pm the sun was peeking through the clouds as we shoveled and played out in the snow. A great time was had by all -

including Clobberhead!


Unknown said...

fUNNY! I had to make a kind of maze around for Kaz to find a please to do his duties as the snow is rubbing his tummy,etc and he doesn't like it. He is having fun with the snow maze tho - loves running around to see where it takes him. Beautiful pictures of the snow. Love, Mom

Keri said...

Those sure are pretty pictures of Clover, honey!!