Saturday, February 27, 2010


Cody, his dog Savvy and I went for a ride in his new snowcat to see how Short Divide launch was looking.

We parked in Clarkston, where the road is snowed in from there to the top.

It was a nice, brisk, mostly sunny day - great for our "reconnaissance mission"!

We made it to the top in fine fashion, and spent a half hour enjoying the view and sunshine, as Savvy ran around wildly with snow chunks in her mouth!

The Snow was about five feet deep where we usually park on launch.

The wind was definitely North/NorthEast, blowing over the back, so it wasn't really launchable. We will watch for a good South wind day to come back and fly soon!

Before we started back down, some local snowmobilers stopped to talk and check out Cody's snowcat.

It was a great day to get out for some fresh "Spring" air.


Unknown said...

My goodness ! beautiful snow cat!
that should be super for getting through the snow! Love the new snow pictures!thanks - great dog fun!

GB said...

What about the glider rack for that thing? How will we get our gliders in to the launch?


Matt S. said...

Cody's workin' on the rack, Greg - Don't you worry! :-) He's designing mounts so that the rack for his truck will transfer right onto the snowcat roof too. Glad you guys got some early season airtime in Cali!

The Firths said...

Great pictures. Glad you were able to get away for reconnaissance. Hope you can fly soon...