Saturday, August 28, 2010

TOU Half Marathon


Keri and Annie have been training all summer for the Top of Utah Half Marathon, and today was the BIG day! They left the house at O'dark-thirty (about 5 am) to ride one of the many shuttle buses carrying nearly 2,400 runners to the starting line up Blacksmith Fork Canyon. Over 70 percent of the runners this year were female.

The runners were backed up nearly a mile behind the start line on the narrow canyon road, which was closed to traffic for the first half of the race. Thank goodness for timing chips - so even though the starting gun goes off, each individual time doesn't start until you cross the starting line.

The boys and I, Mike and Annie's family, and extended family all came to cheer everyone on to the finish line, and watch for Keri and Annie. With more long distance experience, Keri ran a faster pace, with a very focused and determined look!

Keri finished at 2:09, finishing 33rd in her age group - not bad for a mom of three!

Annie finished at 2:26 - a great job considering her farthest race before this was a 10K!

Congrat's to them and everyone who participated! - Next week...Pocatello?!


Unknown said...

Wow ! so cool you all -

I'm proud of you for doing it -

Simply Lavender said...

WAY TO GO our Walker daughter/sister bookends! #1 & #5!
We are so proud of you for setting the goal, working hard and focusing all summer and triumphantly crossing that finish line!! WHOOT!!!
You did good and I hope you are enjoying the feeling of a job well done! YOU CAN DO hard things!!


Anonymous said...

thanks for this post MATT. :)
you got good pictures!