Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween II

Aren't they a little too old for trick-or-treating?!

Our neighbor was feeling a bit "out of sorts"!

After it got dark, the boys took turns lying under the leaves in front of the headstone and scaring approaching trick-or-treaters by suddenly "coming to life"!

Clover entertained us when she went wild frantically "herding" this plastic jack-o-lantern in circles all around the back yard!

She would "chase" it back and forth...

...until she could get underneath it and "pop" it up in the air repeatedly.

Then she was puzzled by the sound-activated
"ghost on a wire" in the front yard. Her barking just perpetuated the ghostly moaning and movement!
We finally had to remove her from the front room as
she viewed every costume-clad kid as a major threat.

Fortunately, we all survived this Halloween without being scared to death, with a few too many treats,
and very few tricks - except maybe a tummy-ache!


Anonymous said...

your kitty SCARES ME!!!, thats a scary picture.

I like the pics of CLOVER, how freakin funny!!!! =) Tanner looks pretty handsome too---

Amy said...

Wow! I hate to intervene but perhpas it's time for Tanner to watch the snacking. I think he could qualify for 'The Biggest Loser' The plus side is that he'd get 5 minutes of fame, and that's all you need to make some $$$. What reality show should I join?