Saturday, February 2, 2008

GroundHog Day!

This morning on Gobbler's Knob, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of Winter. Phil's prediction was actually contrary to a number of his counterparts in other states and in Canada. Eitherwhichway, I'm not superstitious (knock on wood) ;-\

Do YOU ever feel like Bill Murray, just stuck in a rut, reliving the same day, over and over?! On many occasions I certainly have. For example, many mornings I will be doing my early morning paper route and I see the same people, doing the same things, as I walk past the same route, on the same path, day after day. It's like deja vu all over again!

This person is at there kitchen sink making coffee, that person is out for an early morning smoke, this person is walking out to his paperbox - just waiting to call and complain if I'm even one minute late, that person is warming up his pickup in the garage, these two big dogs start barking, this person is just coming home from an early workout, that person is just leaving for work - driving like a maniac, this car flies by throwing the "other" newspaper out as he goes, that person is out walking her dog, a garbage truck drives by, a lifted jeep with noisy tires drives by, a 2-stroke moped screams by in the distance, and so on, and so on...

When I first noticed these repeated patterns of life, I became a bit discouraged at the monotony. After considering it all for a while, I came to realize that it is not such a bad thing, but actually a blessing and opportunity. Each new day brings the hope of new experiences - many unknown, and a relatively clean slate in my book of life. Even though I make many mistakes throughout the day, tomorrow is another opportunity to live life a little better.

Sometimes I need to be more proactive, and just look for opportunities to do things differently by "mixing it up," being a little daring, by getting out of my comfort zone. It is usually by doing this that I find true growth and gain a much needed new perspective.

Look to This Day

For yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow is only a vision;

And today well lived, makes

Yesterday a dream of happiness

And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well therefore to this day;

Such is the salutation to the dawn!

- Kalidasa