Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Making of a Two-Piece Sectional

So, Keri has been searching for a new sectional couch for our family TV room downstairs for the past year or two. She religiously scoured and scanned the want ads, Craig's List, and KSL Classifieds. She finally found one in near-new condition, that was in her price range and only 25 minutes away! So we picked it up last night, brought it home, and started hauling the old sectional and couch upstairs. No problemo, right? - Wrong...BIG Problemo!

There is a tight corner at the bottom of the stairs, around which we just could not coax, compel or coerce the big couch. We tried 3 different angles and attitudes, only ending up wedged in tight each time.

Keri jokingly said, "get the sawz-all and cut it in half!", but we decided instead to enlist some help and try once more - after all, we got it down here, so there must be a way back up & out! Well, it was "Trent," our home teacher's un-lucky day - mainly because he was home and he answered the phone! So (an hour and a half later) we tried once more. Finding ourselves within inches of clearing the corner, I was tired and frustrated, so I told him to go ahead and push while I pulled,

resulting in a nice hole in the textured ceiling sheetrock above the landing

and two damaged corners - and we still could not make the corner. So we backed down, and went to "Plan B" - Instead of the sawz-all we removed some bolts accessed from the underside, which allowed us to separate the couch into 2 pieces, but not without damaging it.

Oh well - at least we could then easily make the corner and drag it upstairs and out into the driveway. We then managed to get the new 3-piece sectional downstairs without any further damage - YAY. Keri was happy again - even though she had to remove the old couch (now in pieces) from the listings on She only would have made $75 for it - which was definitely NOT worth the trouble and resulting wall damages :-) You know what they say about "hindsight" - life goes on!

She will still sell the old tan sectional (including a sofa/hide-a-bed which has been stashed/suspended in the garage rafters the past two years) for $150 - to help offset the cost of the new furniture (and pay for my wall repair work ;-}) After much puzzling and consideration, we finally decided that the big couch was put downstairs before our kitchen remodel three years ago,

which included part of the stairwell ceiling - making it impossible to remove it the same way (in one piece anyway!) So I get to refine my wall repair skills, and I made it through without using one four-letter word,

and just a few three or five-letter words!


Unknown said...

Well - The sectional is beautiful! Very nice work - Hooray
for you - You guys are undaunting and such troopers - Love, Mom

Paul said...

What a crack up! I'm just glad getting the new sectional downstairs wasn't as traumatic as removing the old one! Thanks for the humor! Love, Paul

Jordan said...

Ouch! That was brutal Matt-o-rama! I'm sure if you would've called Kerry Blau over he would've solved that mystery for you! After all, he gives it to you bluntly and that's the bottom line. Nice new sectional, by the way!