Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Bulls-eye Bunch

This year's annual "Cousin's Camp" was more of a 3-day family reunion, with the theme of "Bulls-eye Kids."

After completing our firearm safety class, including a written test, the Cousin's were ready to try their skills on the shooting range!

First they had some fun shooting pistols at the "Bullseye Targets."

That afternoon they moved to the rifle range .

Finally their shooting skills were put to the test with the shotguns!

Even the parents had their turn too!

Although there were a few bruised shoulders, everyone learned some valuable lessons about more than just shooting.

Everyone left the range with a smile, wanting to return and shoot more! *For other 'blog postings about Cousin's Camp 2008, click on the other "Family Links" on the right side of this page, or click here for Keri's:


Simply Lavender said...

LOVED the video Matt!
The kids had such a great was a little scary for parents but we know they were in good hands! We all know that the guns were a big hit this year!
Thanks Matt for all the safety-ness! No *eyes out* tales to be told!
THANKS again for all your necessary and much appreciated help with kamp!!