Monday, May 18, 2009

Short Divide 2009!

The wet spring weather has made finding a good day to fly Short Divide this year difficult. Finally Monday it all came together for the first flight there for 2009. Cody & I met at launch and found conditions promising: Sunny, 88 degrees, with a 16-18 mph wind straight in. I decided it was time for a maiden solo-shakedown flight on my new Tandem Falcon 3.

Launching felt different than my U2, but still a piece of cake. I immediately climbed about 300' over launch in a gentle thermal. I soon found the thermals to be weak and fragmented, not allowing for more than one or two circles in lift.

I scooted back and forth along the launch ridge, as Cody launched and proceded to show me where the good thermals were hiding. It ended up being a light, up and down day, making it difficult to gain enough altitude to safely bench up onto the upper mountains. After over an hour of scratchin', I finally found a thermal I could drift with back to the upper face, but it was not producing, so I quickly headed back out front, and boated around in some lower level glass-off.

The new glider flew straight, true, trim and sweet. The bar pressures are surprisingly light for a single-surfaced glider. It responded quickly to all of my control input, even with such a light wing loading. I did notice the decrease in glide compared to my U2, but I know that will improve when I add a co-pilot! Although we didn't sky-out, it was still some very nice, much needed airtime.

Airtime: 1.5 hours! "Yeeee-Haaaaw!"


Unknown said...

Very nice - Looked great and refreshing. Just like going to the Mts felt to me last night! thanks, Love,Mom

Bruce Hibbard said...

Matt, can't wait to get some miles from TSD. Glad to see you guys getting some airtime!!