Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Crawford Hang Glider Convergence!

Saturday's forecast looked great for flying the Crawford Mountains at Randolph, so Cody, Landon, Clover and I made a day of it - and what a beautiful Fall day it was! We met up with Bruce, Greg and Doug in the LZ, changed out Greg's flat tire in about 3 minutes "flat", piled into Cody's rig and headed for launch.


We set up on top with two other pilots.

Bruce walked back from the edge with a big grin on his face and said, with his best British accent, "I say, it's definitely honkin' out there!" Landon and I checked it out and it was blowing straight in at 25 - 30 mph under sunny blue skies. We took our time setting up, as it was just a bit strong, and we knew it would smooth out and be stellar all afternoon.

After two other pilots launched, Landon, Clover and I hooked in while Cody, Greg and Thomas helped us with a hang check and wire assist on launch. As soon as I felt neutral & level wings, I yelled "Clear!" We executed a strong launch, punched through some minor juniper-induced turbulence, and began climbing up, up and away as Landon exclaimed, "WOW!"

Clover immediately found her spot between my shoulder blades while Landon and I got comfortable in our harnesses and began to take in the incredible view. The lift was smooth and widespread, with some large thermals here and there. We noticed a parade of vehicles driving up the canyon on their way to launch, each one with two or three hang gliders on top! Usually when we go to Randolph there are a couple of other HG pilots, and five or ten paragliders. Today it would turn out to be just the opposite. Somehow people from all parts of Utah saw the forecast and had the same idea as we all converged over the Crawford Mountains for an impromptu Fall-Fly-In!

We effortlessly climbed to about 2,000' over launch, explored the mountain, watched other pilots setting up and launching, waved to other pilots in the air, and just enjoyed the moment, after moment! At one point we counted fourteen hang gliders over the mountain, with at least six others not in the air yet. Only two PG's finally launched later in the day from the lower launch, but even from there they had no problem climbing up over the main mountain range. We explored the lift band as our vario continued beeping "up" at least a mile out over the valley, and then we raced back over the mountain. The Big Falcon flew effortlessly, with no problem penetrating due to such a strong vertical component. We repeated this dream-like sequence for over an hour until, as the shadows lengthened, we decided it was time to go out and land.

After landing, Clover and Landon were ready for a little nap.

Before long, it started "raining" hang gliders,

one by one from the sky.

It was great to see so many flying friends,

and familiar faces as the party transitioned from the air to the landing zone.

We finally loaded up,

and said our good byes as the sun dipped below the horizon. We recounted the day's flying tales while dodging cows, deer, jackrabbits and Harleys on the drive home. This day of magical Crawford "hang glider convergence" flying will be etched in our memories for a long time!

Here's a mini-movie I made using Cody's Flip Video, Edited with Windows Movie Maker: You can watch it in a slightly larger format at this link:

Airtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes!


Unknown said...

How extra cool! beautiful - great job Landon. We just loved it=thanks

Little Bro said...

Wow Matt, what a great clip! One of these days I'll see you up there! Awesome!

Keri said...

Finally found a moment to watch the video. Nicely produced....and now I know why I resist watching because I get the "Mom" panic attack feeling when I see my son dangling in the air!

Glad you had such a terrific time.