Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time Lapsing

*For better HD quality, click on the following link:
Here is some time-lapsed video from three different locations during my December, 2010 trip to Hong Kong and China. The compression of time seems to convey the huge volume of people - 7 million people packed into Hong Kong, and 13 million in Shenzhen, China!


The Firths said...

I bet they are all the same people just going off camera, changing and then walking by again.

Unknown said...

Funny Firth - I'm reading a book about China - Does the government still "force" all the teenagers to go to work in factories to make everything "made in China?" or hasw that custom changed. I'm grateful I was born in the US! Look at all those people

Paul said...

Matt, what did you shoot this with and tell me how you did the time lapse. Pretty amazing the volume of people, just think of everything they consume and the garbage they must produce!