Sunday, December 9, 2007

10 Things:

Here are ten absolutely true (or at least based on a true story) tidbits of information that you may or may not know (or care to know) about me - listed in no specific order:

1. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little un-well (I know, right now, you can't tell!).

2. I Like PbJ&P sandwiches (peanut butter & jelly, with bread & butter pickle chips) - on wheat or white (or even rye might be good!)

3. I have two 25 year-old dress suits in my closet which still fit me, and have recently come back in style (just ask Keri!). Speaking of Keri, I married a Utah girl - which, as it turns out, isn't all that bad!

4. I still have the 8-bit original Nintendo game system with a bunch of games, including Zelda! (No, I don't still have the Atari Pong or Space Invaders game system!)

When I was little I also had a toy Evel Knievel gyro-powered stunt motorcycle!

Sadly, though, I never did have the lunch box :-/

5. In a previous life I was a Cop (did someone say, "When pigs fly?!")
In a previous, previous life I was a Park Ranger ("they pay me to have this much fun?!)

6. When I was ten years old I was dumb enough to lay down on the ground in front of a homemade ramp and allow my brother to jump over me on his bike - and lived to tell about it (it must have been the Evel Knievel influence!) I still love ya, Bro!

7. I have never received a speeding ticket (knock on wood) - but I have been known to run an orange light or drive in the left lane now and then (I'd rather be lucky than good any day!)

8. I have always had an obsessive-compulsive personality. By acknowledging this (instead of hiding or denying it) I am able to reasonably manage it, and don't allow it to become a destructive force in my marriage, family, or daily life. Generally speaking, I am not a clean or neat-freak, but I do like to have some semblance of order and work toward everything having its own "place." This is just a part of who I am - and that's OK!

9. I usually have a snack of cold cereal with bananas and walnuts, topped with a scoop of ice cream in bed each night (did I mention that I'm a bit strange?) - often with an ice cold Coke or diet Dew chaser (there are worse habits or guilty pleasures, you know!).

10. I love the sound and smell of rain at night outside our window - as long as the weather is good for flyin' the next day!!


Anonymous said...

Good boy matthew!! I KNEW you could do it and not get arrested!

p.s you eat gross food!

Matt S. said...

Don't knock it 'til you TRY it!