Saturday, December 1, 2007

Heater Vent Love

From the day that we adopted Roscoe,

to the day that Clover arrived,

and even up until today, there has been a definite attraction to the heater vent on the toe-kick below the kitchen sink - especially on a cold winter day.

As Clover has matured, it has become sort of a love-hate-love relationship with Roscoe. Clover likes to play rougher than Roscoe cares to, but the kitty tolerates it because he actually likes the interaction.

They realized that an agreement to share the vent amicably was in every one's best interest - and so, they do ;-)


Anonymous said...

lol---cute little story! Looks like Roscoe is a "vent hog" to me!

MattsWife said...

Actually, it's BOSCOE! (Matt likes to re-name the pets with a slightly different twang to the name). I love the name of this story!

Matt S. said...

WHAT?!! I don't see THAT name on any official birth certificate or anything - do YOU? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Now now, no need to get tiffy! I bet Coosco loves all the different names...=)