Thursday, October 30, 2008

Eagle Scouts!

Josh and Tanner each recently completed all of the requirements for their Eagle Scout award! We had a nice quadruple-Eagle court of honor, which included two other young men from our ward who had also earned Scouting's highest honor.

We had a nice backyard afternoon lunch with extended family. After that we went down to the church to set up for the Court of Honor.

Keri and the other moms made sure everything was just right.

Troop 413 made last minute preparations for the flag ceremony. There were very few empty chairs as family and friends of all 4 boys filled the room to support and honor them for their efforts. After the presentation of the colors and various introductions, there were three 5 minute power-point presentations put together by each boys' family, highlighting their lives of Scouting!

Then came the actual presentations, including recognition of parents and mentors. Although each boy has to do the work to meet the rigorous requirements, it would be very difficult to achieve without the help, support, prodding, nagging, and occasional threatening by leaders, parents, and extended families :-)

Finally the four new Eagles were given the Eagle Charge by Scoutmaster Scott.

After that they were escorted into the Eagle's Nest by the most recently awarded Eagle Scout. The program concluded in just under an hour, followed up by refreshments, congratulations, and of course, more pictures!

It was neat to have both sets of grandparents in attendance, along with other family and friends - thanks for making the effort to come and share in this day! Although the boys may have considered this ceremony somewhat perfunctory in nature, I believe each of them will appreciate it more and more as they progress through manhood and are able to reflect on this special occasion.

Congratulations to Tanner, Josh, Paul, Brayden - and Eagle Scouts everywhere!


Unknown said...

Great pictures - it was wonderful to be a part of the celebration!
Congratulations!Love - Gr.Lin

Simply Lavender said...

We loved it all!! Amazing.
Our first Eagle Court of Honor.
THANK YOU JOSH & TANNER...parents and leaders!

Thanks Matt for sharing the pics!