Saturday's forecast was just tempting enough to head out to Short Divide for some rare November airtime.
Landon and Clover tagged along,
and we met up with GliderMike, Cody, Liz, and some new flying friends Heather and Paul. After checking out the landing zone, we drove to launch and found conditions a bit light at 10-12 mph straight in, but the forecast called for increasing winds later in the afternoon.
It was an overcast, pre-frontal day, with occasional breaks in the clouds, and a record-setting November high temp of 70 degrees!
We all took our time setting up, and by 1:30 the forecast southwesterlies were filling in nicely at 14-16 mph. I launched first, found the mild house thermal off to the left, and soon drifted back to the face of the upper peak. I was barely high enough to find zero sink along the lower flanks, but when I reversed my direction I lost enough to prompt me to pull on VG and scoot back out over launch. By now Heather was in the air and doing very well in a nice bubble over launch. I found the same lift and soon climbed back high enough to attempt the bench-up again, this time finding lift and success midway up Clarkston Peak!
I made it up over Gunsight Peak, and spent the next two hours exploring the lift at altitude, enjoying the view, watching the changing clouds, and watching as, one by one everyone safely launched below.
At 8,600' the air was brisk and raw, until the sun came out for an hour to warm our faces, trigger some more lift, and make interesting shadows and patterns on the patchwork valley below. The fast-moving clouds were fun to watch as some tiny cumulus began to develop right below some high cirrus. Everyone had safe, enjoyable flights - some longer than others.
Short Divide is a great site which, on marginal days, may require a tighter scratchin' tolerance than some are used to in order to bench up. It took Cody and me a number of flights to learn all of the nuances of Short Divide in order to find the right tactics and strategies to maximize our airtime - but that challenge is part of the fun! One by one we all eventually landed on the Box Elder side LZ.
Clover and Landon were there to welcome me back to earth! Some landings were more graceful than others , and some were more entertaining - but everyone made it safely and unscathed! Cody was the last one still in the air, enjoying the sweet glass-off extending from the mountaintops to well out and over the valley.
We then watched Cody from the LZ as he engaged in some airplayin' beyond 90 degrees at about 2,000' over the valley. - so if you exceed the placard does that void your warranty? :-) Cody then Wowed everyone with the best 3 mph cross-wind landing of the day!
Landon, Clover and GliderMike walked the LZ field in search of Landon's lost shoe, but with no luck.
We paused in the LZ to recount the days airtime events before going our separate ways. The forecast calls for rain & snow this week. I guess it is getting to be that time of year, so that's OK, as long as I can still make it to launch! It was nice renewing acquaintances, Mike & Liz, and nice to make some new flyin' friends, Heather & Paul! Hope to fly with you again soon!
Wow- has cody ever done that before? thanks for the nice pictures and etc. Always enjoy them.Mom
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