Saturday, March 20, 2010

Equinox Outing

Chober and I took advantage of a bright sunny first day of Spring to check out the road to launch again. With it's southern exposure, the Box Elder side is dry and open all the way to the top cattle guard! The Cache side is still closed and snowed in. *(Sorry for the lower quality pic's - I forgot our regular digital camera, and had to use my cell phone camera . . . Dohh!)

We parked and walked in the short distance from the gate to launch - where there was still plenty of snow. At 11:30 am, the wind was coming straight in to launch at about 10 mph, with some nice little cycles. We watched a group of six familiar resident golden eagles ridge soar up to launch level, hook a thermal, and climb out over the top! I hadn't brought my glider, because I didn't think the road would even be open, and the winds were forecast to be "light and variable". Oh well - the entire experience was a favorable harbinger of this year's flying season!

We hiked around and explored a while, as Clobberhead ran wild across the packed snow. As Firth would say, "Good times were had by all!"


Simply Lavender said...

Beautiful pics Matt!! (even with using the phone!)
It won't be long now....till you're up soaring with those eagles!
HI Clover! :)

Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

Looks like Clobberhead had more fun than you!!! Great pics - I'd say your cell phone takes good pics too! Kaz and I went to the north side of L & C State park this afternoon to soak up a bit of sun. Kaz goes crazy when we just drive into the parjking lot there!
We walked into the closed side of the camping area and walked all along the Touchet River - looks like fishing might be good! Sun was very nice. Just one more day of skiing next week and then I might try the fishing rod, thanks for sharing the pics - beautiful!

The Firths said...

I've never been quoted before. This is a great moment!

Glad that the two of you were able to go. Sorry that you didn't take the glider. It would have been a beautiful day to go!